November 9, 2009
Just like usual, this is my late post xP
What I've been doing on my last Saturday. Poor me that I have 2 classes on Saturday and it started in the early morn about 07.30am. But I prefer friday to hangout so In that early morn I always feel sleepy. I woke up in hurry, took a bath and confuse what to wear on that day. So i put my gray jacket, white t-shirt and my super comfy gray leggings. Arrived at my campus just 5 minutes before the class was begun.Yay!

At the beginning I feel happy and ready to study. But when I saw the white board oh my gosh!I don't know what the meaning of those numbers, I don't have the question sheet yet!Damn! Then My friend Irsano was coming after 10 minutes late. Oh he's so noisy! He talked a lot!LOL. Then I asked him a few question, until the end of the class i just talked with him about my problem and thanks for your advise dude! Maybe next week I must sit by my self so I can stay focus on the subject.

When i want to moved to another class then I met my friend and she said that my lecture was sick!Oh my gosh!3 times she didn't come!Maybe this the best way that I can meet Illy (my best buddy) earlier. Okay, we met at retail therapy store. They are on sale!I found the black sequins skirts. It looks fabulous even I don't know when i can wear it. It looks a little bit to much,LOL.
When I was there I met Lydia, my friend at campus with her sister Siska. Both of them look awesome, the similar face (hahaha.os course they are siblings).

For the rist time I met them, Lydia looks shoocked. i asked her why she looked like that? Then she said that she and her sister just talked abot me (hmm..a little bit curious is it the good or the bad one?LOL).It's nice to see someone with her/his siblings do shopping together. Missed that event with my brother, since we went to different campus x(

Yeah finally Illy was came! Then we moved to cyber. Illy wants to cut her hair. I just accompanied her. When we came, OMG we was in the long queue. Huh!Then we decide to moved to Kat at Bintaro sector 9th. It's a long way,hahaha. We met Inne there and took a picture. Owh before that we had lunch in Atom (they sell meat balls which is my fave food,hehehe).

Then we moved to Illy's house. Before that we picked up Qiqi at her house. oh my!It's not easy to take her out.It was a long process,LOL. And after that we moved to another beauty shop, this is for my first time I went to a different salon in the dame day! I don't know maybe I'm the weirrdow girl but I never enjoy to stay during all day at beauty salon or spa. I felt sleepy when I was there. Maybe I can only survive from 1 until 1 and a half hours. My fave treatment just cutting my hair ;D

When we were waiting for Qiqi, this is what we've done.

So I decide to cut my hair too. I said to my hair dresser to cut it not too much!But what I've got?He cut it a lot even i still have a long hair! But my friends said that the cutting was great, akh..akh..akh.. (I'm happy to hear that).

Spent the rest over that day with my besties. They are awesome!I can share everything with them. And they are not a fake person (this is what Qiqi's quote). We had dinner at Genji!It's a shabu-shabu restaurant in Modern Market in BSD. Oh my mom will kill me when She knows abot my saturday escaping destination, LOL.Oh I was lost my cupcakes earrings there (it shapes like a real cupcakes) and it make me sad all night long x(

This some of our picture:

Girls day out!We must do this again girls ;D

Me and Illy! Hope you forget your problem a little while xP

What I Wore:
Chilly Bali's Dress, unbranded gray jacket, gray bag, holy bracelet from illy, Casio Gold Vinatage Watch, Yellow jelly shoes, minus my fave cupcakes earring x(

Oh, I came late home. And my Mom text me once. Then I'm sure the next morning she will be angry with me! Mom can you be fair with me?Why my brother can come home too late?Why i can't?Is it because I drive alone?Oh please I'm a big city girl Mom x(



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