August 17, 2011
Homemade cupcakes by Mom's office partner

"Happy Birthday" to my beautiful and peaceful country!eeh! It's been 66 years now, your getting older but not enough older than my grandfather,lol. Mostly the bad things that happend to this country making a bad judgement, but i'm still love you. I see some people like my Dad still have a  faith about you, me and my brother have a goal to explore this country first even the ticket to going abroad is cheaper than to explore you. We born here, eat here and maybe will die here. This country will not get along if the people inside it don't have a faith that we''ll going to be a better country than before. Happy Independece Day Indonesia..

By the way, I'm not really into a cupcakes person because I like the big one!hehe. But this cupcake is very different, the cake is sweet but not too sweet and the cream on the top just perfect. Also on the top of the creme there is a quarter piece of strawberry, the flavor from the strawberry so fresh and I can't believe it's a homemade by my Mom's friends! She's pretty, kind and now i realized that have a great hands to make a cute  cake like this. ENVY!

me wearing Balletcats t-shirt

Just put some extra pictures. This pictures taken by this morning right after I woke up. I'm just trying to learn about my new camera that I've got from my Dad for my last birthday, I don't take any course so I'm just trying to figure how to use it from video tutorial, some websites and from another blogger experience. The title of this shoots "Feeling FREE" Happy Holiday! Even it's just for a day but believe me, it's a good day for doing something great that you can't do on a workdays.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae abtore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit

4 sveet comments

  1. Hi..thanks for the sweet comments :)
    Love you tshirt! Where did u buy it??

  2. Unknown says:

    You can get them on The GoodsDept, brightspot market or ordered it from their site

  3. Cool tees and Happy bday Indonesia !

  4. anna bu says:

    love the tee!


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