July 31, 2011
Social network is the best things to share and to get an important events that's really hyped in this world
So I can get a quick update about My Tulisan that launched their limited edition collection called "Batavia Hotel" last Thursday in their showroom and workshop that also at the founder's house named Melissa

First time I get an address and go there after office hours, it's difficult to get to the right house
actually the house is very bright with the yellow lanterns and so many people in front of her house
Her mother so friendly when I ask about the showroom and please me to come in to meet the owner

I met the founder of my tulisan with four assistances, who's really friendly and talkative
One from that four assistance gave a tour and explain to me about their latest collection "Batavia Hotel"
that also a limited collections and gave a tour to their workshop on 2nd floor of the house and explain to me everything that inspired the owner to make this collections
Trust me the house so damn cool! She knows how to make a great interiors to make all the members of the house feel very comfortable but still look very chic

Adore her latest collection before this limited collections so much because she produce some artworks!
The artworks contains of the secret alphabet that can we get from their booklet
It such an honor to have an opportunity by taking some pictures and had a long conversation with them
it's a pleasure to meet all of the assistences

Finally I have tea towel and a beach bag from "Batavia Hotel" collections on my shopping bag before I go home. I hope all this pictures that I took can give you a description about how cool the place.
The yellow lightning make this house and every single room look more beautiful
Definitely will go back soon!
#Picture courtesy of private collections by my Tulisan

My Tulisan Showroom & Workshop
at Jl Tirtayasa IV no.33 Jakarta 12160, Indonesia
opens: Mon-Fri, 11.oo am to 08.00 pm


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