January 17, 2010
Last Sunday I had a talk with my Mommy.
We never had the same opinion about something. We always laughing together and never had a serious talk. When I was on my way back home with her, I shared about what happened lately for the last 2 weeks. And She gave me some feedback and I was happy to hear that. It was open my mind to stay think positive. I always keep what She said that We can push people to change their bad habit, it starts from yourself.

Sharing with your Mom is the best moment i ever had. Sometimes only by teling what you fell it will make you feeling better than before. And you can't imagine what she said maybe is the answer that you need. Mother is the kindness person in this wolrd, She lived before you came to this world, She knows this universe better than you. She will not pushing to do something that you don't really want to do.

After I arrived at home, I found this picture and I really agree with what they wrote in this picture. Family will never leave you alone.
This is the only one circle that will receive you anytime you need them.
Enjoy your day :)

source: weheartit


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