December 3, 2009
Yesterday supposed to be my free day and I don’t need to go to my campus. So I was being Daddy’s good girl when My Brother got sleep because He worked on his assignment for last 2 days. Now I feel scary with my self. I feel empty, something going wrong with me. Even I’ve done so many things that will make me happy like blogwalking, update my tumblr but I don’t know it doesn’t change at anything.

Maybe it’s because of my Dad. I don’t blame him at all, but sometimes I can feel what he feel and it makes me feeling blue. I know that He’s the same feeling just like another family, he want to go home as soon as possible but he can’t. Maybe i was too sensitive and I think I need to have my own time. Maybe I should going somewhere to clear my mind. I hope i can do it as soon as possible before next week. I need to focus on my final, sigghhh.
Wish me luck to face this day.

What I Wore:

Band Tee, Black Od Jeans by Cheap Mon, Vintage Belt, Holy Bracelet, Casio Watch, Bowling bag and black flip-flops,messy face, messy hair,huh..


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