October 16, 2009

photo source:jack&jill's blog (Karlie Kloss)

Someone said that I’m not a normal girl because I was focus on my self
Focus on my goal
Make all things come true by my self (of course with God’s help)
Study, Blogging, Be an owner of my own online store
Those are my goals, something that I must to do
I prefer to do it by my self
If too many person in to this things I thought it might be not running well
Sometime i felt lazy to do those jobs
I’ve got mess with it

But then I feel a little bit different
Something that I never felt before
I don’t know what kind of this feeling
It’s like Lykke Li’s song that called “Little Bit”
That can describes about what i felt

I was hold my breath every time I saw you
I’ve got cold sweat every time I saw you
I wish I ‘m dreaming about you every night
Can’t stop thinking about you minute by minute
But I can focus on my exam
You make me study hard to finish my school immediately
You make me close to my best friend by sharing about you

Sometimes I was getting crazy
When I was thinking about what I’ve done when I met you
I just want you to know that I’m a shy girl
It’s not easy when I met you and just say “Hello” to you
But I’m trying to be a different person that think outside the box
Even I’m still going insane,LOL



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