January 11, 2010
Life is so colorful..

source: tumblr.com

Sometimes we can begin our day with a big smile and end up with a sad songs. Today, I'm free no classes for this day and I already finished my assignment for tomorrow. So I spent my day clean up my wardrobe and if you don't mind I sell some of a pair of jeans, check out here!

Then at noon I went to hospital dropped my Dad's lunch meal. After that I went to Total Buah (this is the perfect place to buy so many fresh fruits and vegetables) then I dropped by at Ace Hardware by a study lamp fr my self. I bought the new one because my old lamp already broken, and because it's 2010 so I will be a smart shopper. I bought the cheaper one but of course that's will be a long lasting study lamp,lol.

The rest of my day just continued watching Gossip Girl seasson 3, read a magazine and continue riding my book. Tomorrow will be my long day, since i will attend my 3 classes. Oh should I?Yes!! I need to pass those subject and it suppose to be straight A! Wish me luck :)

"Sometimes it's hurt to forget about something or someone, but you will don't know until you try so hurt. Try this one! Write down a letter about how you feel about something or someone, make sure that your writing is exactly about how you feel, then read it out loud. Then when you are ready put a lighter on your right hand and your letter on the other hand. Then take a very deep breathe and burn that letter! You will fill much better! And please to release those feelings, forget it and go on with your life!Trus me, it will works or maybe I just say it to my self,lol."



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