July 29, 2009
What i've done?
1. Wake up early this morning and went to Prasetya Mulya University for investment seminar. Really anjoyed that
moment, specially when the speaker is financial planner, really interesting subject. He said about saving, investment, insurance and many more.
From now on, i really need to tight my budget for shopping and write down all my financial from income and cost for a month.

2. 2 days ago i was browsing at retail therapy's facebook account adn found in their status that their store on sale!
So because my bff Illy want to order a pair of black platform shoes like mine so i accompanied her and check all cute shoes that on sale.
I'm glad that i met the owner, named Kalista but I called her "teteh" actually everybody's called her like that,hehehe.LOL

She gave me a very special price for this shoes, yay!!I love this shoes even only available on brown. I want the grey one but teteh said if I order the new shoes
the price will be back to normal. No!!And my bff Illy bought this for me as a birthday present. Thank you so much Illy, this is really mean to me. Love you :D
And that's not because you bought me a pair of shoes but it's from a deep of my heart,hehehe.LOL.Hopefully we'll be together as a best friend for a long time even you will stay abroad ^_^

3. And the last one, i took my jeans from the tailor. Because it was so big and not in my size I made it skinnier than before
and when i saw the result, i can't take a breath it looks like what i tought before, really fit into me. Whoaaa!What a perfect life :D

What I Wore:
Pierre Cardin white top, thrift store and customized by tailor washed jeans, what.wear.daily washed blazer, vintage belt, casio gold watch and brown platform shoes from Retail Therapy.

Still need your help to join in my page online store that i called it what.wear.daily (just click it and you would not regret it)



Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae abtore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit

4 sveet comments

  1. OLIVE... washed jeans nya lucu bnaged... diy??
    colournya bagus....

  2. wow really like how you wear the pants along with the tank top & the blazer! <3 ittt

  3. Unknown says:

    @Selly:Iya, washed jeansnya gak diy kok Sel, ak beli di senen trus karna modelnya harem dan itu gede banget aku kecilin ditukan jait trus aku kasih zipper sampingnya ^_^
    Iya banget, makanya aku beli,hehehe. Emang ak hunting kesana buat nyari jeans yg warnanya bagus baru deh dipermak lagi ditukang jait :D

  4. Unknown says:

    @Carla:Thank you Carla, this was my experiment and this is my first time brought a pair of jeans at flea market in my town, but i fixed it ;)

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