February 17, 2009
top by metro dept.store; jacket from hongkong; accessories from casio and forever 21
black pants from zara trf; bag from hongkong and shoes from petitecupcakes

Top from aressio; earrings from forever21; necklace is handmade
jeans harem pants by tailor; bag from hongkong; shoes by cutome garage store

This is my golden tickets to watched "The curious Case of Benjamin Button"

This is a late post coz i don't have enough time to post this outfit on that day =).I went to the cinema with my cousin, because we curious about "The curious case of Benjamin Button". It quite long durations, but i enjoyed it. I adore the acting of Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button on that movie. And i love the effect how to make this character more life. they can make Benjamin face more similar with Brad Pitt but in different age. I like the Daisy character too, she's so adoreable and she has a great fashion style =)


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